Thursday, November 21, 2013

  Google's got the whole world in it's hands.  And they call it Google Earth.  Practically gone are the days of gas station maps and asking for directions.  If civilization endures and the generations come and go as they always have, paper map printing will be a novelty and paper maps will become strictly collectibles.  Shoot, paper may become collectible.
Now that's a control panel and the layers are super detailed
  The only thing that doesn't change is that every-
thing changes.  I feel like a well qualified late neo
historian myself.  Practically born in the cave-man 
era, and now smack in the middle of all this high-
technology.  And I'm lovin' every minute of it.

  I have to confess that for some reason I was re-
sistant toward Google Earth.  I had predetermined
that I couldn't use it.  I was giving myself head-
aches with it.  So this evening I back-tracked a 
bit and undercut whatever study-bug I had caught.
I reviewed the tutorials and help files and it finally 
clicked.  It's just another package of software 
tools arranged to perform certain functions through hardware.  In this case mapping.  And we've got the whole world in our hands.

  This little project Matt set us to wasn't so difficult after I played around with Earth for awhile.  There was actually more than one way to skin the cat.  I finally just opted for a very simple approach, mainly because I am worn slap out and just need to get done.  But with an investment of some time any project can be down right extravagant.  There are enough bells and whistles on the free program to pull off some amazing stuff.

  When this assignment was given, my thoughts immediately went to some away time I took with my young family another lifetime ago,  when my then wife and I had just decided that we did not want to drive a long trip to get away.  So we stayed in-state, and wandered north into the bigger hills.  A lot of people do not realize that there are some very nice National Parks and Forests in West Virginia and some of the most stunning natural beauty and amazing sights that can be found anywhere. 

  So, if I can get this KML file to do what I need it to do, I'll have a tour of some of the places that I'm talking about posted here.  A simple, basic tour, but enough to give a person the basic ideas of what's just up the road.

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