What do you do if you see an epileptic having a seizure in the bathtub?
Throw in a load of laundry, of course.
That's not politically correct at all. I had a friend who said he didn't like my joke about the epileptic in the bathtub because his brother was an epileptic and died in the bathtub.
"Oh, he drowned!" I said.
"No, he choked on a sock," said my friend.
OK, I laughed at that, quite a bit. Does that make me a bad person? That's a rhetorical question because I don't really care what you think.
This blog is about, take a guess, humor. And there is or isn't, depending on your point of view, a lot to work with. So, I'm just going to randomly pick one of these sites and talk about it a little. Here goes.
Ill Will Press - this site is funny, and believe it or not it isn't that cynical at all, surprise, surprise, surprise! Foamy the Squirrel has some very valid points to make about our medicated society. He has a real zeal for his message and everyone should tune in to see what he has to say. Visit him and
his somewhat lethargic friends, and quit taking pills! Language and sexual content can be quite explicit!!!
Should be rated 18 and older.
Engrish needs no explanation, after you log-on. You can spend hours reading these translations,
for major therapeutic relief of tension of any kind. My only question is, "Why?" But then, why ask why? I guess no one had access to a good dictionary.
joecartoon.com- uh, is this funny? I must have a different sense of humor than these people. I just don't find any of the frog squashing, frog blending stuff funny. Not sorry. I can reason that it was intended to be funny. But they don't need me to validate their stuff. Their reviews are positive and that's the beauty of the internet; they can attract those who like their work and to hell with everybody else. So, this is a little more warped of a website, if that's your kind of thing.
Cracked is still, well, Cracked. There are practically endless videos to watch, which tear down every human institution ever created. I mean, where else can you find Mr. Rogers breakdancing and Saruman (Lord of the Rings' Christopher Lee) singing heavy metal? You can here. And those references are for real. They're not faked. Unlike most humor sites, there actually is some information on different things to be had from Cracked. Of course it's with a cracked angle to it. There are articles, columns, forums, and many other features to keep you occupied until the Earth, well, cracks.
All of these sites have categories and galleries and most have shops where you can buy brand merchandise, some tailored to your specific taste.
While writing this blog, I have laughed until I'm sore, which is a good thing. Laughter is truly very copacetic and cathartic.
Oh yeah. I almost forgot.
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs at the door?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs on the wall?
What you call a man with no arms and no legs in the pool?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs by a hole?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in the hole?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs that you toss around the yard?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in the mailbox?
And that's quite enough of that.
!Que tengas un buen dia!
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